iRest Meditation: Discovering a Sense of Inner Peace in a Chaotic World

Used increasingly often in military & first responder settings as a top-tier approach to mental health & wellness, iRest offers deep relaxation & reminds us that we are okay.

For many people, the challenges and stresses of daily life can feel overwhelming, and in our fast-paced world, finding moments of tranquility and peace can be especially difficult.

The self-care movement has provided us with a plethora of activities and practices that are geared towards creating a path to inner calm and a more peaceful life, but it can be tough to choose the best path forward when there are so many options available. 

Meditation is one practice that’s popular with people looking to create balance in their lives. And while there are a variety of meditative practices that can benefit those looking to get started with self-care, we’re going to take a deep dive into iRest (Integrative Restoration) meditation, a practice that’s steadily gaining momentum within the wellness community and especially for veterans & first responders.

What is iRest Meditation?

Derived from the ancient yogic tradition of Yoga Nidra (which translates to “yogic sleep” in Sanskrit), iRest meditation offers a structured, guided approach to meditation that has shown numerous benefits for people seeking inner calm, improved mental health, and enhanced overall well-being.

iRest was developed by clinical psychologist Dr. Richard Miller in the late early 2000s. Dr. Miller designed this meditation technique to cater to individuals dealing with various forms of trauma, including soldiers, veterans, and survivors of natural disasters.

Dr. Miller called the practice Integrative Restoration (later shortened to iRest) because it “helps us to integrate emotions, thoughts, and psychology, as well as restore us to our true wellness as human beings.”

Since its creation, iRest has evolved into a practice that is widely accessible to anyone who is looking to reduce stress, improve sleep, and cultivate a more profound sense of inner peace.

The iRest process usually involves a guided meditation led by a certified iRest instructor (practitioners who have undergone training sessions available around the world).

  • Participants are encouraged to lie down or sit in a comfortable position

  • Ideally, they close their eyes as they focus on the voice of their instructor

  • Throughout the session, the instructor guides individuals through various stages & ways of meditating, including body scans, breath awareness, and emotional exploration

  • The primary goal of these sessions is to create a sense of inner peace, self-knowledge, and emotional resilience

In the words of one of our G-Connect Peer Leaders who is a trauma therapist & social worker and has worked in Law Enforcement & Fire:

"iRest is extremely helpful to relax & very beneficial as a healthy new habit. It's worth setting aside the time — stop procrastinating & show up. This is one thing you shouldn't wait to try."

Benefits of iRest Meditation

The structured, guided approach of iRest can offer individuals a path to enhancing their overall mental, emotional, and physical health, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg — with just a few moments of practicing iRest, you reap a multitude of benefits that ripple into every aspect of your life.

Stress reduction

iRest meditation is renowned for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. By systematically guiding participants through a relaxation process, iRest can help to release the tension stored in the body and calm the mind. 

This reduction in stress can lead to an overall improvement in mental and physical health by mitigating the intensity of the health issues that can be caused by excessive stress.

Enhanced emotional resilience

iRest meditation encourages participants to explore their emotions without judgment. By developing a non-reactive awareness of their feelings, individuals can cultivate emotional resilience and better cope with life’s challenges.

This aspect of iRest makes it particularly beneficial for those dealing with trauma or heightened emotional distress. 

Improved sleep quality

Sleep is crucial for our overall well-being, and there are many people out there struggling with sleep disorders or insomnia. iRest meditation has been found to improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing the occurrence of racing thoughts.

Regular practice with iRest meditation can lead to more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Pain management

Chronic pain can significantly affect our quality of life, and those looking for additional help with managing their pain can benefit from adding iRest into the mix.

iRest meditation has been used as a complementary therapy in pain management, helping individuals develop a greater tolerance for pain and reduce the perception of discomfort. It can also promote relaxation in the body, which can help alleviate tension-related pain.

Heightened self-awareness

iRest meditation encourages deep self-reflection and self-inquiry. By exploring thoughts, emotions, and sensations in a safe and non-judgmental environment, participants can gain a greater insight into themselves and their life circumstances.

This heightened self-awareness can lead to personal growth and a deeper sense of purpose. 

Improved focus and concentration

The regular practice of iRest meditation can enhance concentration and cognitive function by training the mind to focus on the present moment and let go of distracting thoughts.

Through continued meditation work, individuals can become more effective in their daily tasks and decision-making processes.

Increased mindfulness

iRest meditation is a powerful tool for cultivating mindfulness — the practice of being fully present in the moment. 

This heightened awareness from frequent mindfulness practice can lead to increased joy, positive thinking, and a great appreciation for life’s simple pleasures.

Greater connection and compassion

As people deepen their self-awareness through iRest meditation, they often develop a greater sense of connection with others and the world around them.

This newfound sense of connection can lead to increased empathy and compassion, allowing them to foster more meaningful and fulfilling relationships.

iRest may become an integral part in your journey towards a healthier, more mindful, and balanced life.

iRest Meditation for Veterans and First Responders

G-Connect (Guardian Connect) is a non-profit program under Guardian Revival providing virtual & in-person experiences to enrich the lives of veterans and first responders (our guardians) at no cost to them. We welcome all guardians (active & retired): Veterans, Active Military, Reserve, National Guard, Law Enforcement, Fire & Rescue, EMS, Dispatchers, Corrections, and Federal Agents.

G-Connect organizes iRest Meditation Experiences led by Annie Okerlin, C-IAYT, yoga teacher since 1999 and Certified iRest® Instructor.

The daughter of two World War II and Korean War veterans, Annie has a deep appreciation for the veterans of our country. She worked with veterans at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington, DC, starting in 2006, where she worked with the traumatically injured, including amputees, burn victims, those with orthopedic poly-trauma, traumatic brain injuries, spinal-cord injuries, as well as unseen injuries such as PTSD and moral injury.

Annie is one of the nation’s leading experts on adaptive yoga and continues to share yoga & meditation with the military community by teaching classes at the VA hospital, local studios, and in retreat settings. She founded The Exalted Warrior Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports wounded warriors with the seen & unseen issues of traumatic injury.

She is also a Human Performance expert for 02x presenting yoga for resiliency & iRest Yoga Nidra to tactical athletes & first responders nationwide. She is on faculty at Warriors At Ease teaching other yoga teachers how to teach in a military setting.

Try out one of Annie’s iRest meditations on the Exalted Warrior “Practice Anytime” page or listen to this recording she made of an iRest meditation for sleep:

We typically host our G-Connect iRest sessions on Zoom (so guardians anywhere can join!), we sometimes offer in-person sessions as well. Keep an eye out for future sessions:


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