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Mobility for Health

Mobility for Health Workshop

Semper Stronger cofounders Joel Del Rosario (a Marine) and Rebecca Rouse, along with their coaches Samantha, and Angela, are passionate about empowering guardians to build physical & mental strength so that you can overcome life's challenges with confidence.

Not just flexibility, mobility is about your capacity for movement. It is critical for proprioception, or your “underlying self-regulation of posture and movement through stimuli originating in sensory receptors embedded in joints, tendons, muscles, and the labyrinth of the ear.” (Science Direct) So even strong, fit athletes benefit from investing in their mobility — don’t miss this chance to improve your performance in and out of the gym.

This invigorating Mobility Class will challenge and refine your movement abilities through a combination of standing and floor-based exercises.

Get active, get moving, get healthy!

All G-Connect experiences are free but RSVP is required:

  • WHEN: Tuesday, February 27 @ 7:00 - 8:00 PM ET

  • WHERE: Zoom

G-Connect Experiences

Opportunities for recreation, learning, discussion, and connection

Shared experiences promote community and facilitate the development of meaningful relationships. Each Experience is led by an expert in their field — facilitators may be guardians, civilians, or peer leaders.

Topics include art, writing, fitness, nutrition, health & wellness, professional skills, entrepreneurship, music, outdoor recreation, and more.

February 27

Jams: Beacon

February 27

Women Guardians Gathering